Rough Week. Let’s Go.
Last week was rough. Like so many people, I was anxious about the election, then shocked by its results.
Electoral Rage Shopping
I spent most of Wednesday in my bathtub, alternating between doom-scrolling the news and rage-shopping. The latter was quite productive. Though I’ve tried to not indulge in luxury items since committing to my writerly lifestyle, I could not help but treat myself.
And thus, as we head (further) into the apocalypse, I will be wrapped in Four Seasons towels, a Jacquie Aiche-Kashwere robe, super soft wideleg Vuori pants, and covered with glitter from my Lush Sugar Plum Sparkle Bubble Bar.
Editorial Feedback
Two days after the election, I met with my editor at The Novelry to receive feedback on my manuscript. My story is about a feminist female founder who starts a company with her best friend. As it blows up into a huge success, her boundaries and their friendship are continuously tested until she has to decide whether to save her friendship, her company or herself.
The editor had so many awesome suggestions. It feels surreal that another human being has read my story, thought about it and then discussed it with me!
However, the 30-page report, full markup and 60 minute Zoom full of suggested edits compounded my anxiety. But then, after a few days off, I realized, thanks to the election, I now know with crystal clear certainty what my story is about.
It’s about the power of women supporting other women, and humans supporting other humans.
It’s about resilience, no matter how horrible the set-backs.
It’s about female agency. The right to walk away, take a break to regroup, then get right back in there and fight.
It’s about not letting individual toxicity get in the way of larger goals, and treasuring our interconnectedness.
I am now writing the book I most need to read, so that feels good!
Now What? Let’s Go!
This week, I got back to work. For my next round of edits, I made a beautiful rainbow-colored revision checklist and will adorn it with stickers and glitter washi-tape to truly inspire me.
Whenever I feel unmotivated, or depressed, or hopeless (about the massive edits I need to do, or the state of the world generally), I shall remind myself that action is the antidote. Rage is a powerful source of renewable energy. I will get this book DONE.
And if what I write helps even one woman struggling with all the things, it will be worthwhile.
Tell me in the comments if you too indulge in retail therapy when things seem hopeless and/or you need some clarity!